Friday, November 19, 2010

It's Movie Night!

So Megan got a couple movies from her co-worker, so we decided to do movie night tonight. This morning I was pouring coffee into my travel mug and saw this on the dryerase board:

Love it!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Meesh's hike

So, we live by Wissahickon Park where the Valley Green Inn is. It's pretty much an extension of Fairmount Park. It is so beautiful. It's like a whole other world within the city of Philadelphia. The girls are getting married at the Valley Green Inn and a couple Sundays ago, we ate brunch there and did a little hiking. There are several different trails you can explore on either side of the river. I cannot believe I have lived here for almost a year and am just NOW exploring this amazing atmosphere.

Today I went hiking. Now that the weather is nice, I have made hiking my new once a weekend thing. I love it. I never thought I'd love it so much, but I do. It's so beautiful that I brought my camera this time to take some photos.

With my headphones on jamming to some tunes, I encountered a stranded biker who needed directions to the nearest civilization--his bike was broken--dodged many bikers; said hello to a couple hikers, even cute doggies; and almost got attacked by a very large bird! Okay, maybe some of these things are slightly exaggerated...but the bird did startle me!

This is Summit Avenue. I walk down Summit to get to one of the trails near me.

Okay, I'm ready!

Shortly after I passed this point, all of a sudden this huge bird flew off of the ground into the trees. I thought it was going to attack me!

There are all kinds of historic landmarks and buildings along the river.

Valley Green Inn. This where Jenny and Megan are having their wedding. Also, if you have never eaten here, you MUST!

There was a wedding ceremony going on. So beautiful.

I made my way back to the trail that takes me back to Summit Avenue.

This way I shall go!

This is my new canteen! It's green.

I ended up hiking for 2 hours. I started at Summit Avenue hiked all the way to Bells Mill Road, then walked by the river past where I started all the way down to Valley Green, then back to the trail that led me back to Summit Avenue. WOW!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Da Blizzard of 2009

Meesh here. So it's snowing.

Megan is working til 7pm, who knows if she'll be able to make it home--the bus routes to the Manayunk/Roxborough area may be suspended. Jenny tried to venture out to finish her Christmas shopping, but barely made it of the parking lot and up the hill to Henry Avenue before she was forced to pull into the other lot and park. Damn sedan cars!

I was supposed to go pick up Oliver at the PSPCA around 12 in North Philly because he had his neuter surgery today, but that didn't happen. I thought if Jenny can't make it out, how am I going to drive all the way to North Philly and back. Oliver is now at the foster mom's house recovering. One of the nice nurses lives near the foster mom Jenn in South Philly, so she dropped him off. Muffin is all upset because she has no idea where Oliver is. Poor mama.

I mostly likely won't be able to meet up with my good friend Jess tonight in Ambler because of the snow. And Jenny and I are trapped in the apartment. TRAPPED!

So, we decided to take an adventure to the CVS on Port Royal and Henry to get some stuff. Haha. This is our adventure:

Bundled up for freezing-ness.

Our adventure starts at Summit Avenue

Foggy glasses

Baahahahaha! Yea, no explanation needed here...

Destination reached!

Yay! We got our stuff.

The hill going up Henry Avenue.

A snow covered Summit Gardens

We made it home!

Jenny made brownies and we are going to bust out the hot chocolate soon. But, damn you snow!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Who does that?

Meesh blogging as usual.

Funny story for you--

So, a bunch of friends are out at the bar on a Saturday night. The one girl, we'll call her Liv, takes an interest for the bar back who is working that night.

Side note: Liv was there a couple weeks ago when her friends entered her into this contest where you had to wear your favorite jeans and some pink and strut your stuff down a runway (it was for Breast Cancer awareness). She ended up winning 3rd Place ironically. Anyway, the bar back was working that night too, which was when Liv first noticed her.

Later that Saturday evening Liv's friend Jane tells her to write her name and number on one of those cards and give it her. Well Liv being the shy girl that she is with meeting new people, really didn't want to do it, despite the fact that she really wanted to strike up a conversation with the cute bar back.

So what she does is this: goes up to the bartender, orders a shot then says to him "Hey, can you give this to her," as she nods over in the bar backs direction. After Liv hands the card to the bartender, she runs away feeling completely sheepish. Okay, so maybe she didn't literally run away but you know what I mean.

Immediately, Liv realizes that she's a complete idiot because now the bar back isn't going to know who she is! Who does that? Who gives their number to someone and doesn't give it to them directly??? Now she probably won't call because who would call a complete stranger who can't even introduce themselves?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bridesmaid Dress Shopping

Meesh blogging today. All sorts of crazy things have been happening lately, but I wanted to blog about dress shopping for Jenny and Megan's wedding.

Today was the day we agreed to go shopping for bridesmaids dresses. Tory invited all of Jenny's bridesmaids over for brunch around 10am, which was delicious! We had mini french toast with homemade syrup, bagels and cream cheese, fruit, mimosas, and cinnamon buns. Oooo, so yummy. Then we drove to the Davids Bridal by Cherry Hill.

Oh wait, maybe I should tell you who is in Jenny's Bridal Party:

Matron of Honor - Christine (sister)
Maid of Honor - Tory (best friend and old roommate)
Bridesmaid - Amanda (best friend, old roommate and fellow alumni of UArts)
Bridesmaid - me (best friend, current roommate and fellow alumni of UArts

Jenny tried on some dresses first, and then it was our turn. Okay, here is the first dress:

Here is the back:

This one we liked, but were not really feeling it.

Someone else who was there had a Puggle in the car and brought it into the store. So cute!

Okay, the next dress was this one. It had this extra fabric in the front. Let me tell you we were already doing dirty things with it...

This was another dress with extra fabric randomly attached. Yea, definite NO.

(Yea, dresses with extra hanging fabric = not now, not never.)

And this is the dress we all liked....
TA DAA. Jenny didn't think that we would pick this one.

Back view

The dress will be in a champagne color. Here is a photo from Davids Bridal website in the color:

Jenny also brought her dress today too. I didn't take any photos for fear Megan will find them. But she looked awfully purrr-ty.

Oh, by the way, the date is Friday, September 11, 2010. Yay! Dress = check. Now all I need is shoes and a date.