Monday, September 28, 2009

The Good Dog

Meesh posting.

So the girls wanted to do happy hour today. Jenny had class til 6:30pm, and Megan didn't want to wait around by herself til she was done, so I joined her.

After I was done work, we stopped at the ATM and went into Payless then made our way to The Good Dog on 15th between Walnut and Locust streets. Well, guess who didn't look at the weather today? We did! By the time we were done in Payless it was raining, and then it started POURING while we were walking from Chestnut and 16th. I quote Megan, "the largest f***ing rains drops EVER!" We had to seek shelter under the Bellini restaurant over hang. Let me share some photos with you:

Megan with my scarf wrapped around her head. Before it was covering her face.

Megan and me seeking shelter, and looking very scared...kinda.

Anyway, we made it to the Good Dog soaking wet. I have to say it was an adventure getting there, but the brewski's at the bar were worth it! Jenny joined our party around 6:30pm. Good times.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

The L Word marathon

Hi there; Meesh here.

We have been doing a marathon of The L Word. Weeks ago we started the first season, and now we are on the 4th season. (For those of you who do not know what The L Word is, Google it!) So Friday night after Megan got home from work, we continued to watch the 4th season. We got to the season finale episode and they both ended up falling asleep on the couch well before it was over--I actually think Jenny missed the whole episode.

ANYWAY, I had to take a photo because it was too cute!

P.S. I think Jenny just caught Muffin masturbating in the hallway. Haha, I wish I took a photo of her face when Jenny came around the corner to go back to the bedrooms. Muffin looked so guilty!

Cupid Shuffle

This video is my favorite of Megan & Meesh. They are hilarious together. I get the luxury of having my partner & best friend be best friends! They are both very funny people and I'm a people watcher so my life is, oh so entertaining with the two of them around... Enjoy the video.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Heidi and Jeff

Tonight is Heidi and Jeff's last night at Summit. When we moved to Summit Park Communities, Heidi and Jeff always sat on the bench right outside our apartment. Heidi has lived here for hmm...15 some years, I think. Her and Jeff wed this past February and finally bought a house abut 30 minutes away. Tomorrow they are moving the rest of their stuff into their new, quite adorable, home.

So tonight we had one last laugh, drinking some booze outside by the bench. The bench outside our window, which we have dedicated to them, has been passed on to us along with the grill that is locked to the bench.

We will miss you Heidi and Jeff!!

This photo was taken in May during our house warming/my birthday party.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Red Bull

Meesh blogging today.

Before you read this post you MUST watch this video:

This is not my video, but it's hilarious and we have been quoting from this for the past 3 weeks. Let me just tell you this before you watch it. This guy put some not so good things into his body and his friends locked him in a closet and taped him talking to himself.

With that said, RED BULL, RED BULL, RED BULL! Haha. Today we went up to Heidi and Jeff's new house. It's adorable! Their friend (who lives by their new place) was going to fix Jenny's car, but Pep Boys didn't have the part that she needed. So that is not happening til next week, but we went up anyway. We ate some grapes--well more like sucked the juice out of them. We stopped at Wawa and got some Red bull. Then we stopped at Walmart and Old Navy. Shopping is bad, but we got some great deals.

That's besides the point. I forget my point anyway. This weekend was fun. Photos will be posted from Friday nights outing to the Stimulus party at the Marathon Grill. FUN!

P.S. Megan just realized that the dress she has to wear for this wedding on Halloween weekend is orange with a brown sash. She thought it was brown with an orange sash--talk about looking like a candy corn! Hahaha.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Meesh's first note

Meesh again.

Since I am a newbie to the lesbian world, well not that new, but Megan gives very good tips sometimes. Last night she told me to take notes while her and Jenny were jumping all over each other.

Note to self #1: Do not make girlfriend into pretzel.

That will apply when I actually HAVE a girlfriend.

Eagles game

This is Meesh blogging today.

Today is Sunday Funday, which will soon turn into Monday. The girls decided they wanted to go out for the Eagles game at the last minute. Spread the WOO Philly was presenting Embrace at Mad River in Manayunk and a bunch of our friends were going to be there. So surprise, surprise, we get all cleaned up and walked to the bus stop.

While we were waiting for the bus stop, Jenny and I didn't realize this, but Megan randomly blurts out that she kept pushing the crosswalk button to change the traffic light. She was like, "I push da button..." and then I said, "Next time you push that button you have to cross the street!" Well let's just say she pushed it again and we tried to push her across the street, but she would have dragged us with her so we stopped.

But we like to start singing songs. Jenny filmed just the one song we sang on the bus, which was packed by the way. I don't know if you will be able to hear the sound, but we were singing "the wheels on the bus go round and round."

HAH! Yes, this is us sober. Here are some photos from the bus ride. They're nothing too exciting.

We ordered some buffalo chicken dip when we got to Mad River. Ooo, it was SPICY! There were also $3 Michelob's, and $4 Corona's. Yum, yum, beeeerr.

Later we made our way to the deck. (The empty beer bottles are not just from the 3 of us...)

We eventually made our way home. Right now I have the biggest headache EVER! Ugh, sleep.

French toast beginnings

Welcome to french toast, 3 dykes and a puss. Jenny, Megan, and Michelle (aka Meesh) are lesbians who have been living together since May of 2009 in an apartment community in Upper Roxborough. Ooo, almost forgot to introduce Muffin aka the puss. She is Jenny and Megan’s kitty—they adopted her before they moved.

This is Megan and Jenny (left to right).

This is Meesh.

And this is Muffin. (aww!)

Jenny and Megan are engaged, and Meesh is well…single. Can ya tell? Their life living together for the past 4 months has been…let’s just say interesting. They are definitely some funny ladies! (Some may call them crazy.)

We won’t go into details about the past events, but keep reading and see what crazy shit happens in the next…let’s see 4 from 12 is…8 months they have left together until their lease is up.

Check out the intro video.