We have been doing a marathon of The L Word. Weeks ago we started the first season, and now we are on the 4th season. (For those of you who do not know what The L Word is, Google it!) So Friday night after Megan got home from work, we continued to watch the 4th season. We got to the season finale episode and they both ended up falling asleep on the couch well before it was over--I actually think Jenny missed the whole episode.
ANYWAY, I had to take a photo because it was too cute!

P.S. I think Jenny just caught Muffin masturbating in the hallway. Haha, I wish I took a photo of her face when Jenny came around the corner to go back to the bedrooms. Muffin looked so guilty!
EW!! She was however just cleaning herself... BUT... When I came walking around that corner her face came up and she just stared at me like Oh, Shit! We have one crazy muffin!!