Today I went hiking. Now that the weather is nice, I have made hiking my new once a weekend thing. I love it. I never thought I'd love it so much, but I do. It's so beautiful that I brought my camera this time to take some photos.
With my headphones on jamming to some tunes, I encountered a stranded biker who needed directions to the nearest civilization--his bike was broken--dodged many bikers; said hello to a couple hikers, even cute doggies; and almost got attacked by a very large bird! Okay, maybe some of these things are slightly exaggerated...but the bird did startle me!
This is Summit Avenue. I walk down Summit to get to one of the trails near me.
Okay, I'm ready!
Shortly after I passed this point, all of a sudden this huge bird flew off of the ground into the trees. I thought it was going to attack me!
There are all kinds of historic landmarks and buildings along the river.
Valley Green Inn. This where Jenny and Megan are having their wedding. Also, if you have never eaten here, you MUST!
There was a wedding ceremony going on. So beautiful.
I made my way back to the trail that takes me back to Summit Avenue.
This way I shall go!
This is my new canteen! It's green.
I ended up hiking for 2 hours. I started at Summit Avenue hiked all the way to Bells Mill Road, then walked by the river past where I started all the way down to Valley Green, then back to the trail that led me back to Summit Avenue. WOW!