So the girls wanted to do happy hour today. Jenny had class til 6:30pm, and Megan didn't want to wait around by herself til she was done, so I joined her.
After I was done work, we stopped at the ATM and went into Payless then made our way to The Good Dog on 15th between Walnut and Locust streets. Well, guess who didn't look at the weather today? We did! By the time we were done in Payless it was raining, and then it started POURING while we were walking from Chestnut and 16th. I quote Megan, "the largest f***ing rains drops EVER!" We had to seek shelter under the Bellini restaurant over hang. Let me share some photos with you:

Megan with my scarf wrapped around her head. Before it was covering her face.

Megan and me seeking shelter, and looking very scared...kinda.
Anyway, we made it to the Good Dog soaking wet. I have to say it was an adventure getting there, but the brewski's at the bar were worth it! Jenny joined our party around 6:30pm. Good times.
