Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Beautiful Day

     Today is a beautiful day.  It is the kind of day that helps us to forget the pressing issues that dictate our everyday lives.  “I hate my job but I can’t find another one.”  “When is the economy going pick up again?”  “My Aunt Ruth was diagnosed with cancer and there is nothing they can do for her.”  Or even, “How am I going to pay my bills this month?”  These questions and concerns cloud our thoughts causing us stress and anxiety, perpetrating sleepless nights, cold sweats, and migraine headaches.  But today, my friends, is beautiful day.

     In my line of work I see sick people everyday.  I work with amazing patients that maybe at best have a 50% chance of living to see another autumn turn.  As I myself prepared for the Phillies game yesterday, I saw a light in their eyes.  Just asking the question, “Are you ready for the game tonight?”, resulted in smiles and positive thoughts… THIS WILL BE A GOOD DAY.  And it was.

     I went to buy a Phillies hat today at the Willow Grove Mall.  It was mobbed.  Everyone wanted the new National League Championship hat.  But even though the tiny shop was nearly bursting at the seams, the knocking of elbows and unintentional butt bumping was greeted by lighthearted giggles and cheeky smiles. 

     As I entered a nearby Wawa, it really hit me.  I reached into the stocked fridge, pulled out a Red Bull, and turned to see a long line of customers waiting to check out.  I didn’t care.  The line ahead of me was bright with shades of red, maroon, and baby blues.  I noticed people waiting patiently, holding doors for each other, exchanging nods and “Go Phils” pleasantries.  The Phillies won.  And even if the escape from our worries is just for one day, just for those 9 innings, I’ll take it.  Because if this team can draw smiles from cancer patients, make people forget about their economical hardships, and even break some tension between people of different races and colors, they can do anything.  This is truly the city of Brotherly Love.  So thank you to the Phillies for making this a beautiful day.  Now go win that series!!

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