Yesterday Megan's sister Kelly dropped off her cat Maya who we might foster for a while. Right now we are doing a trial run. She is a calico cat and was born without a foot on one of her hind legs.
As of now things are a little tense in the apartment. We put Maya in Jenny and Megan's bedroom with all of her stuff. Right now, Muffin and Maya are both in the living room together. There was hissing and growling like no other. Eventually Muffin went under the couch and Maya is in the window. Maya did attack us a couple times without provoking her to attack. We will see if Maya stays past tomorrow.
Tonight we are going out to celebrate Tory's birthday and her and Kyle's engagement. YAY! I need to charge my camera for tonight, get the cards ready, and do homework.
This was us last night:
I noticed that Jenny and Megan were wearing the same thing and I said, "TWINS!" And then I realized that I was wearing gray sweatpants and a navy hoodie too! Haha, we are crazy.
I just want to comment that we do not have Maya kitty anymore.